Wow, what a day it was!
On this 31rst day of October, 2020, four days ahead of the most important presidential election in American history, I had the opportunity to unite with several members, brother's and sister's from my church and other churches in this mountain community in Big Bear, California. The purpose of the day and this mission was to express the Good Lord's message as it pertains to this upcoming election and how it relates to the issues surrounding Pro-Life and Pro-Choice. It was the first time I had ever stepped out of my little home, physically, mentally, and emotionally to stand on a street corner to express the Lord's will. I mean, I was Bar Mitzvah'd, standing in front of family and friends to read His word from the Torah at thirteen years old, and I wrote a book on behalf of the Lord's blessings on me many years later, but I have never stood on a street corner in His honor. Each participant was assigned a corner along Big Bear Blvd. I believe there were close to fifty of us. Each would simply hold up a sign in reference to the killing of unborn babies. Mine can be seen in the photo below. Scripture suggests that the womb is a place to bear "His Fruit." It doesn't say to bear the woman's fruit, nor the woman's co creator of the fruit. It specifically says "His Fruit." To backtrack for a moment, as a young adult I found myself to have never understood the Lord's will in this regard. Several years after two relationships with two separate woman I came to find out that they aborted a fetus that they said was associated with me. When I found out I was in shock. It was their choice as far as I was educated on, and the supreme court agreed with them. Yes, I have repented and asked for forgiveness. My naivety to the scripture was in play, as well my ignorance to the science and God's meaning. I was a typical uninformed image of our creator. Knowing today that over 100 million fetuses have been aborted since Roe v Wade, I can take solace in recognizing I was not alone. Still, regardless of what the culture says about the matter, or the United States Supreme Court, I was wrong on many fronts. "The womb is the bearer of God's fruit...not mine or my partners. Hence; I've asked the Lord to forgive me for this ignorance, and in my haste. This said, while standing on the busiest street in Big Bear holding a sign in recognition of this desire of our creator, although fully clothed, I felt bear naked. I certainly wanted the Lord to know I have come full circle in my repentance. I was bearing my claim! As it were, there were many people standing, waiting for a seat in the Denny's Restaurant that resided behind me. There were hundreds of cars, if not thousands that drove by and saw me and my sign. To my pleasure there were more honks of approval than I could count. There were also a few who screamed obscenity's at me, and few both driving and walking who used their middle finger to sign language their opinion. In all, I would just smile...knowing the Lord was pleased with my stand for Him. I felt confident in the hedge of protection he put around me... I did have my cell phone with me. I tried to take a selfie so I could later attest to those in disbelief that I was there, in body, mind, and soul. I also played the song "Rattle" by Elevation Worship. I played it several times to remind me why my bones were rattling. If you've not heard this song I highly encourage you to do so! It is enlightening and truly puts the Holy Spirit in charge of ones spiritual awareness. It's a reminder that God lives and He'll help you live. In other words, He'll open the grave, rattle your bones, and allow one to live again. At the end of my stand, a married couple who was waiting their turn to go into the restaurant, they had been waiting over an hour, walked up to me to introduce themselves. At first I thought they might say some disparaging words. They both said that I was "a blessing" to them while they waited. They heard the honking. They also witnessed the screaming obscenity's emanating from car windows. They witnessed the few who expressed their vulgar hand gestures. What a blessing it was to me that they wanted to make me feel welcomed in our shared theology! I invited them to my church's Sunday service the following day. They were up visiting this little Southern California mountain community to relax, see the change in season, and at close to 7,000' elevation get closer to God. With hope their stay was rewarding!! I do remember one significant question they asked, which stood out among the few I answered. They asked; "why would you subject yourself to such a task?" Because they were believers, I owed them my sincere response; "When the Good Lord askes me to do something I do it. Besides, He doesn't take no for an answer." I'll encourage everyone to listen to your heart, that is where God resides. He loves everyone, even those who have sinned. He's got incredible power, wisdom, and the ability to forgive even the worst of our human mistakes. He want's to forgive. He gives us all the choice to repent and turn from our sinful ways. In Nike's words, "Just Do It." He promises us his kingdom if we believe in him, honor him, and ask for forgiveness. He also promises eternal life if we follow his lead and accept him as our Lord and Savior. He keeps all his promises, scripture is batting 1000%. So let me ask you all, who wouldn't want that promise? I'll conclude by suggesting that each and everyone of you who read this message, no matter what your day has instore for you, may it be beautiful and blessed!! Sincerely A messenger of the Lord ;)
From The AuthorThis site accommodated a dream, a writers dream that is. One to share thoughts, ideas, awareness, and solutions through creative, entertaining, and perhaps enlightening ways. I blog, you reply. Pretty simple and pretty cool. I'm not sure who will enjoy this more, you the reader or me the entertainer? In any regard, I look forward to sharing some of the journey... Archives
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