The listed items are but a few I have included for your empowerment. As more come to my attention and or there is something really cool about a reference I will continue to include.
Lectures, Seminars, Videos, & Movies
The listed items are but a few I have included for your empowerment. As more come to my attention and or there is something really cool about a reference I will continue to include.
- Torah-Moses
- Tanakh-The Holy Scriptures-Moses
- The Artscroll English Tanach-Moses
- The Talmud-Central Text-Rabbinical Jews
- The Book of Numbers-Moses
- The Book of Revelation-John the Apostle
- Genesis 1939-Revised Englis Version
- Book of Isaiah-The Profit Isiah
- Book of Enoch-The Profit Enoch
- Book of Acts-The Prophet’s Journals
- The Holy Bible-King James Version-King James
- Babylon Rising-And the First Shall be the Last- Rob Skiba
- Archon Invasion-Rise, Fall, Return of the Nephlim-Rob Skiba
- Chariots of the Gods-Erich Von Daniken
- Terra Firma-The Earth not a Planet-David Scott
- The Cosmic Chess Match-L.A. Marzulli
- The God Delusion-Richard Dawkins
- Zetetic Astronomy-Earth not a Globe-Samuel Rowbotham
- The Mystery of The Semikhah-Rabbi J. Cahn
- The Harbinger: Ancient Mysteries-Rabbi J. Cahn
- Bird by Bird-Anne Lamott
- Between the Lines: Master The Subtle Elements-Jessica Page Morrell
- Revising Reality: A Biblical Look into the Cosmos-Anthony Patch
- Covert Catastrophe-Anthony Patch
- Return of the Kosher Pig-Rabbi I. Shapira
- The Nature of Space and Time-Roger Penrose-1996
- In Conversation With God-7 Volume Set-Neale Donald Walsch
Lectures, Seminars, Videos, & Movies
- Can I Trust The Bible? Open Forum-Amy Orr-Ewing-YouTube
- The Principle Movie-Rick Delano-Stellar
- The Principle (2014)-1&2-Seig Kreuz-YouTube
- 200 Reasons the Earth is Flat-Eric Dubay-YouTube
- 9/11: What 17 years of lies have…-Richard Dolan-YouTube
- 9/11-As it happened-William Cooper-YouTube
- Kennedy-The Sacrificed King-William Cooper-YouTube
- Majesty Twelve-Hour of the Time-William Cooper-Youtube
- Genesis Six Experiment-Rob Skiba-You Tube
- The Genesis Revelation Part 1-Rob Skiba-YouTube
- The Genesis Revelation Part 2-Rob Skiba-YouTube
- Identity Crisis-Pastor Jim Staley-YouTube
- Babylon Rising Part 1 & 2-Rob Skiba-YouTube
- Biblical Flat Earth-Amsterdam-Rob Skiba-YouTube
- Seed Wars-Rob Skiba-YouTube
- 9/11-The Birth of Yeshua-Rob Skiba-YouTube
- Truth-Proof; Two Bloodlines on Earth-Rob Skiba-YouTube
- Testing the Globe-Part 4-Rob Skiba-YouTube
- Mark Sargent’s 12 Flat Earth Clues-Mark Sargent-YouTube
- Invisible Empire-New World Order-Jason Bermas-YouTube
- Exposing the fraud of 9/11 in 22 min-Rob Skiba-YouTube
- 9/11 Explosive Evidence-Experts Speak Out-AIA Professionals-YouTube
- The Omega Plan-Rob Skiba-YouTube
- One Nation Under God-Rob Skiba-YouTube
- Mythology & Coming Great Deception-Rob Skiba-YouTube
- Passover 2017-Ephraim Awakening-Rob Skiba-YouTube
- Yahuwah Triangle-Rob Skiba-YouTube
- A funny thing happened on the way to the Moon-Bart Sibrel-YouTube
- The CERN Conspiracy-Anthony Patch-YouTube
- CERN 2017-Mobeus TV-YouTube
- CERN-Rob Skiba-YouTube
- CERN-The Opening of the Abyss?-Seventhvail-YouTube
- CERN and The Halls of Hell-Truth Shock TV-YouTube
- CERN-The Key to the Bottomless Pit-Truth Shock TV-YouTube
- The Great Deception- Pastor Jim Staley-YouTube
- An Expose of the Great Deception-Dr. Steven Greer-YouTube
- Mount Hermon-Roswell Connection-Rob Skiba-YouTube
- Ancient Aliens-Documentary Series-Series-History Channel
- Who is God-Documentary Series-Series-History Channel
- Jimmy Valvano Inspirational Speech-Jimmy Valvano-Espy Awards
- True Legends: Technology of the Fallen-T Alberino & S Quale-DVD Video
- Pre Adamic Age & The Gap Theory-Z Garcia & D Carrico-YouTube
- Council of the Fallen: Ancient Principalities-Ali Siadatan-YouTube
- The End Time Revelation Strategy-Rabbi J. Cahn-YouTube
- The Days of Future-Rabbi J. Cahn-YouTube
- What On Earth is going on?-Rabbi J. Cahn-YouTube
- The Way Of The Lord-Rabbi J. Cahn-YouTube
- The Maccabee Blueprint Vl-Rabbi J. Cahn-YouTube
- The Prophetic Jubilee-Rabbi J. Cahn-YouTube
- Repent! For the Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand-Rabbi J. Cahn-YouTube
- Mystery of the Trees-Rabbi J. Cahn-YouTube
- Time Travel-Rabbi J. Cahn-YouTube
- The Scientific Secrets of Joy-Rabbi J. Cahn-YouTube
- The Harbinger: Ancient Mysteries.-Rabbi J Cahn-YouTube
- The Paradigm-Rabbi J Cahn-YouTube
- The Mystery of the Shemitah-Rabbi J Cahn-YouTube
- 2018 Rosh Hashanah Sermon: Zimbabwe-Rabbi I Shapira-YouTube
- From Yeshu to Yeshua: The Story-Rabbi I Shapira-YouTube
- Big picture finally in focus-Clearlywritten.net-YouTube
- Did Science Kill God? (@UCLA)-Prof John Lennox-YouTube
- Seven Days That Divide the World-Prof John Lennox-YouTube
- Is God Great? Hitchens vs Lennox-Veritas Forum-YouTube
- The God Delusion Debate-R Dawkins vs J Lennox-YouTube
- Ravi Zacharias @Johns Hopkins University-Ravi Zacharias-YouTube
- Who Is God-Ravi Zacharias-YouTube
- Does Truth Matter?-Ravi Zacharias (@Temple University)-YouTube
- Engaging a Post Modern Culture-Michelle Tepper-YouTube
- Various Veritas Forum Lectures-Assorted Professors-YouTube
- Assorted Sermons-Pastor Barry Sangler-YouTube
- 25 Reasons we are in the end-times-Theologian Don Stewart-YouTube
- This Planet Will Be Theirs-Dr D. Jacobs-YouTube
- This Satanic World & the Rapture-Charles Missler-YouTube
- The Heart of Truth Seminar-Neale Donald Walsch-YouTube
- When Everything Changes-Change Everything-Neale Donald Walsch
- How To Become A Master in The Art of Public Speaking Part 1 & 2-Eric Edmeades-YouTube